
Cultural Memory Work

Cultural memory interrupts and heals the erasures of our traditions. Cultural memory is our intergenerational memory that has been passed down for centuries and lives in our collective bodies —cells and bones transfused through our memories of our relationships to land, body and spirit. We co-design cultural memory work that interrupts the Medical Industrial Complex …

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Healing Histories Project:
Disrupting the Medical Industrial Complex

The Healing Histories Project works in solidarity with many health and healing practitioners/workers by holding with dignity and respect the lives and communities they care for and by disrupting abuses of the state. We co-design and collaborate with this multi-racial, intergenerational, cross race, gender and sexality network led by healing/health practitioners, community historians & abolitionists …

Healing Histories Project:
Disrupting the Medical Industrial Complex
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Psalm for the Mismeasured and Unfit

The performance opens with the memory of the poking, prodding and painful extraction of medical racism & ableism that has pervasively tested on people living with neurodivergent, physical, developmental, emotional disabilities and chronic illness; and Black, Indigenous & People of Color (BIPOC); queer, trans, gender non-conforming & intersex; migrant & refugee, and incarcerated/Institutionalized communities for …

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