Mes: agosto 2022

Healing Histories Project:
Disrupting the Medical Industrial Complex

The Healing Histories Project works in solidarity with many health and healing practitioners/workers by holding with dignity and respect the lives and communities they care for and by disrupting abuses of the state. We co-design and collaborate with this multi-racial, intergenerational, cross race, gender and sexality network led by healing/health practitioners, community historians & abolitionists …

Healing Histories Project:
Disrupting the Medical Industrial Complex
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Psalm for the Mismeasured and Unfit

The performance opens with the memory of the poking, prodding and painful extraction of medical racism & ableism that has pervasively tested on people living with neurodivergent, physical, developmental, emotional disabilities and chronic illness; and Black, Indigenous & People of Color (BIPOC); queer, trans, gender non-conforming & intersex; migrant & refugee, and incarcerated/Institutionalized communities for …

Psalm for the Mismeasured and Unfit Leer más »